Miranda’s life was hectic. She was a single mom and had to rely on her family to help her raise her young son. When Miranda’s mother passed away, she found herself in a Shelter and was afraid that her son would be taken away from her. That motivated her to seek help from Goodwill’s Career Center in Davidson County. This was Miranda’s third time working with staff at the Career Center. They had previously helped her find two jobs that ended primarily because she could not secure transportation. She also readily admits that she needed to change her attitude. For Miranda, the third time was definitely a charm!

Goodwill staff helped her with a resume and cover letter. Miranda changed her “know-it-all” attitude and really listened to the advice from Goodwill staff about getting and keeping a job. This time around Miranda was able to solve her transportation issues. Miranda now has a job that she loves in Housekeeping with a hotel. Her family is very proud of her and she is finally able to provide for her son. Miranda’s discipline has also helped her with a personal goal of losing over 100 pounds! She said it was very hard but credits her job with giving her the motivation to do well professionally and personally. Miranda hopes to buy another vehicle soon and possibly become a homeowner.

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