Goodwill Meeting Services Statesville
Goodwill Meeting Room Terms and Conditions
(Use by Partnering Organizations and Agencies)
The following terms and conditions apply to meeting rooms at Goodwill’s Iredell County Workforce Development Center, 124 Fourth Crescent Place in Statesville:
Goodwill meeting rooms are available to nonprofit organizations and other agencies that actively partner with Goodwill Industries of Northwest North Carolina in the advancement of its mission. For-profit companies for which Goodwill has hosted a job fair are not considered active partners of Goodwill.
- Goodwill meeting rooms are available to nonprofit organizations and other agencies that actively partner with Goodwill
- Industries of Northwest North Carolina in the advancement of its mission. For-profit companies for which Goodwill has hosted a job fair are not considered active partners of Goodwill.
- Goodwill’s meeting rooms are available during Goodwill’s normal business hours: Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Meeting rooms are not available on weekends.
- Organization reserving the meeting space must also be the organization that is using the space.
- Meetings for which there is an admission fee are not permitted.
- Meetings which pertain to partisan governmental agencies or initiatives or religious affiliations are not permitted.
- Reservations must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the event and are accepted no more than 90 days in advance of the event.
- Room setup requests must be made prior to the event and any changes to setup must be confirmed with Goodwill staff at least one week prior to the event. See Meeting Room Setups (Statesville)
- A Meeting Room Request Form (see below) must be completed for each reservation. Before submitting the agreement, partner agencies must verify partner status and confirm room availability with Goodwill staff by phone at (704) 873-5005 x11400 or by email. Your request for meeting space is not confirmed until you receive an email from Goodwill staff.
Goodwill Meeting Room Policies
Organizations reserving space and meeting attendees must follow the policies below:
- Access to the projector includes a laptop. Organizations are encouraged to bring their presentations on USB or access them via the internet.
- Guests may re-arrange tables but must return them to the original setup at the end of the day.
- Food and beverages will not be provided by Goodwill, but light refreshments, coffee and box lunches may be brought in with prior approval. Vending machines are also available for meetings that need to break for refreshments.
- AV equipment is available in each meeting room. Goodwill/partner program staff are responsible for turning off all equipment before leaving the room. If equipment is left on, damaged, or missing, a minimum fee of $200 will be charged to help cover the substantial costs incurred by Goodwill to replace or repair the equipment.
- Groups are responsible for supplies and prompt cleanup.
- Alcohol is not permitted at any function held on Goodwill premises.
- Goodwill does not charge for the use of meeting rooms during regular business hours, but we do ask that all groups using our facility show a two-minute video highlighting Goodwill’s mission at the beginning of their event. A link to the video is available on the desktop of the presentation laptop.
- Meeting room safety guidelines—please review our Safety Guidelines for the use of Goodwill meeting rooms.